
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Driver Installation Of Karbonn Smart Tab 1/2

Driver Installation Of Karbonn Smart Tab 1/2

It is difficult to deal with stock android driver with karbonn ST 1/2 it requires tird party driver to make ADB interface up bla bla bla direct coming on point how to get this things working.

So for that you need.

1)PDAnet you can get it from here
choose according to your OS x86 or 64bit

2)then from DEVICE MANAGER of windows you need to remove
Android Device/Tablet named "USB device". it will be under of "Universal Serial Bus Controller".

{MY computer > right click > properties >Hardware tab > device manager (its easy though)}

3)Now run setup of PADnet it will ask you to install drivers say "yes" then it will ask for device brand at that time enter "OTHER" and go ahead.

4)Now it will wait for device to connect Now connect Tablet remember tablet should be switched on.

5)then window will ask for drive from that keep going it will automatically detect driver and install it for your table.

6)Then you can check your device using "adb devices"
it will be there.

if you have further query fill free to ask or even if you need pictorial tutorial then i am willing to post it for you :). write comments if you want it.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Karbonn Smart Tab 1/2 Add ClockworkRecovery

Add ColckworkRecovery MOD To Your TAB

you can use official guid :

and recovery image you can download here :

Comming soon..

Karbonn Smart Tab 1/2 Rom Flash Tutorial

 Karbonn smart Tab 1/2 Flash Tutorial
Android Karbonn Smart Tab

          Some time its very hard to figure it out that actually we have messed with our Android tablet and even we are not able to reach to built-in Recovery OR clockwork-recovery modereplacement of traditional recovery mode. then what to do?

How to flash Android Tablet Directly?

Don't worry be happy the solution is here.

Step by Step tutorial.
we assume that our tablet is not even having recovery console and no option. 

1) So we need to get in "firmware updating mode" for that connect tablet to PC take care tablet should in switch off mode then by pressing POWER + VOLUME DOWN button.

2) Suddenly  your PC will detect new hardware Z4770 you can insatll its driver from usb_burn_tools which i have uploaded here:
3) now disconnect the tablet from PC.
4)select your image and boot file with USBbootTool.exe

{only flash these files when you have no other option open if you have warranty up there its preferable to go to karbonn service center or if you are doing for experiments then its OK}

5)now connect table to PC and PRESS  POWER + VOLUME DOWN button and progress of updating firmware will automatically start when it will complete 100% it will not give you any notice but take it as update is completed.

6)Now you are back in business.

Thank YOU may this tutorial will help you.